APN'S YouTube Channel

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A meet with the Hon'ble Governor of Tamilnadu .

Under tight security-check  the group of tribal students were taken to the Raj Bhaban. I was heading the team of Orissa tribal youths as the guide teacher.The tribal students were taken in their traditional costumes.We had to pass under the metal detector check for two times. The lady members of the group were thoroughly checked by a lady staff in a specially cloth built compartment. After due security check we were led into the Raj bhaban. It is a colossal structure. with attractive architectural elegance. The grassy lawn has many deers and the well-kept Garden was pleasant to the eyes. However in some part of the area I noticed  dry fallen leaves from trees. Those reminiscence of dead leaves could have been removed to make the area look more heavenly.

The security officer was very handsome and pleasing. Before the arrival of the governor he instructed us the dos and the donts.After a few minute the Governor graced the place.We were really elated to greet the Governor of the host state.

 With tea,cake and vada we were refereshed. 

The places visited on 29th December,2009 pictorially

The place where the former P.M of India Shri Rajiv Gandhi laid his life in a human bomb explosion.

My wife seen in  the back drop of that holy place mentioned above

The exact place where the assassination had taken place

Smita, my wife posing a photograph by the side of a gigantic pillar of Rajiv Gandhi Memorial.

Posing a photo with the tribal youths from Orissa, Chatisgarh and Andharapradesh.

 My wife in the Crocodile park

 The beautifully rock-carved elephant in Mahabalipuram.

Auditorium at RMIYD

Monday, December 28, 2009

In Sathapet at vetri krishna marriage hall we spent the night and in the morning of 28th dec, 09 we were taken to the RAJIV GANDHI INSTITUE OF YOUTH DEVELOPMENT. The centrally Air conditioned auditorium of the institution was very aesthetically pleasing and had a capacity to accommodate around 600 delegates.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

with the tribal youths on 27th Dec,09

In the morning after a lavish breakfast the tribal youths were taken to the youth hostel auditorium of Chennai. The tribal youths were mostly  from the naxal affected states like  Orissa,Jharkhand and Chatisgarh. The meeting was followed by the dance of the youth who had participated in the  tribal youth cultural exchange programme 2009 conducted by Neheru Yuvak Kendra.I have attached a photo of the delighted youths while they were being transported to the auditorium. I regret that the moving bus has made the photo a little bit hazy.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Meeting on 23rd Dec

The first members' meeting of BIJU INTERNATIONAL KALINGA AVIATION SCHOOL was held in the conference hall of SRC on 23rd DEC , 09. In the presence of honourable M. P. of Kandhamal a productive discussion to ameliorate the educational scenario of the said district took place. My younger sister's speech clearly brought out the noble objectives of the proposed venture in a finely embelished manner. I was amazed to witness the beautiful development of her personality. May god bless her.

Monday, December 21, 2009

In the remotest corner of the state.

My wife shook her head out of utter disgust on the poor communication facility available around here. The reaction was natural because for the last 3 days we were trying to reserve 2 bus tickets for our journey to Bhubaneswar but the x-mas holidays' last minute rush constantly made the attempts a failure. Hiring a car just to drop me at Bhubaneswar, which is 620km from my work station, seemed pointless because I had planned to spend the holidays with my parents and my one and only little sister. Moreover, I prefer to move in my younger sisters' car especially when she sits at the wheel. So I felt to wait till I find a suitable bus or train to carry me to the state capital. And this waiting was so disgusting to my wife that she shook her head and growled at me. I became the easy victim of both the menaces. One is an angered wife and the other one is a jammed and over busy communication system.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Picnic on 18th December 2009 at Saptadhara

Yesterday we attended the college picnic at SAPTADHARA. Their Everything was full of fun and excitement but all were stunned when Principal got extremely angry and slapped R.D and S. Nag for their indecorous absence from the picnic spot.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A situation of utter helplessness

In a moment her head reeled, she started vomiting and sat by the side of the road in a half fainted mode. No one was with her at that time but she was loved. I recieved her call on my mobile and heard her faint voice.I rushed to the place and discovered her still in that helpless situation. Just few minutes ago I had left her in a fancy store so that she could buy her regular cosmetics but in the meantime of my absence her instant break down was alarming for a newly married husband like me. That day she vomited even on my blazer and the vomiting did not stop after medication also. But after few hours we regained normalcy but the experience of a roadside show of a diseased wife and a helpless husband was quite identical to the episode of a popular tv serial. PAIN TO OTHERS IN LIFE IS ENTERTAINMENT TO US BUT PAIN TO OWNSFLE IS A BLOODY TRAGEDY.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Following one's ideal

The easiest thing in the world will be to advice others. Many individuals will speak volumes but in action they will execute the least. I could feel this truth in a real sense when I imagined myself speaking in front of my students, may be in a welcome or a farewell meeting. Many good things will effortlessly ooze out of the vocal chord in the form of precious advice for the students. But to what extent we ,the teachers follow our own prescriptions is an open question for a realistic assessment. Many members of the teaching community will prefer voluntarily to include themselves in the group of people about whom we have initiated thinking in this very paragraph. . . . . . Is it not interesting to see the chasm which stands between our ideals and our own very materialistic happy go like lifestyle? Life needs serious consideration to follow one's own proposed constitution of an ideal life.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Tendency to blame others

Man can invent numberless reasons to blame others for his negligence and lack of dedication. For example, when I became conscious that I have discontinued my writing habit for the last some days, I readily started to blame my worries, my heavy duties and even not to spare my pen if the ink is finished up while drafting. But I never feel the importance of turning my eyes to my own weaknesses like my negligence to or lack of commitment in my undertakings.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Strike Like A Hammar

The voice of mass is the voice of god. When a mass is strongly united for truth and justice, it becomes invincible and becomes the guiding lamp of society. In a democratic country the right to stage a strike is a powerful weapon against all forms of injustice. In these days the media coverage of a genuine strike can really bring changes. We, the employees of govt ssd higher secondary school Govindapally, believe it. From 1st December,09 we were wearing black badges in protest of govt's unjust job discrimination and on 7th we went into a demonstration strike. The cooperation of print media and electronic media helped us boost our moral strength. We feel the use of media in a proper manner can bring unprecedent  changes in our society. For the first time we learnt how to stage strike for our rights.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Rs 2000/- for a 6 minutes' job.

I had read in books that great speakers charged minute-wise for the speeches they made.And they often charge lakhs per minute. I dislike such commercial motives but I had always dreamed  to be a good speaker. And that dream turned into a reality when I spoke for 6 minutes on the stage of MALYBANTA 2009 as an anchorer and could really electrify and exult the audience to fullest limit. I was self satisfied and further, I  was gifted a sum of Rs 2000 by the District Information and Public Relation Office for my contribution to the stage show. This token of recognition to my talent was really a boost to explore the best in me with a renewed strength.

This was my first incident of life where I turned my ability to speak publicly into monetary equivalent.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

An expressive picture...

My feelings were stirred and for a moment I felt an inner calmness when I saw a picture of Lord Krishna sitting intimately with Goddess Radha. The effect of  the picture stangely silenced the disturbing notes of the world and pushed the consciousness to forget the self-consciousness for a while. Is it the happiness of  love which touches life magically and transforms it into a paradise? I wondered and at the same time I was gripped with the irresistible desire to share my happiness with my beloved readers.